Sunday, October 19, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
The Road to El Dorado
- BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. - Not a blankness, but also not the evening news. The glory of your next breath. Breathe and be thankful, this is prayer.
- NOBODY LIKES RAW BACON OR A COLD WIENER - Let me be...let me sin. Bring on the fires of hell and purify my soul with the lessons of being depraved. Scrape off the burnt parts and I will be found delicious by God. I refuse to shut myself off from the flames of purification and show up as a cold wiener at the gates of heaven.
- REFUSE TO BE BITCH SLAPPED - I'll turn to you my left cheek if you back hand me on the right. Strike me as an equal and offer no slight.
- RETURN YOUR SUIT TO THE STORE - Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, all but the finest metals are subject to rust. When the party is over, return your suit to the store and care not about it one minute more.
- JEALOUSY WITH A HALO - Whether or not you live in a glass house, throwing stones indoors is not advised.
- FIRST AND LAST PAGES - The greatest story ever told has several chapters between the baby and the bleeder. Skip them and fail the exam.
- DAYS OF THE WEEK - I am myself, I understand, I am passionate, I am thoughtful, I am industrious, I am caring, I am my own end and tomorrow I will rise again.
- ALIEN GOD - Old man of the sky, of oppression, of discrimination, of sexism and hate. Get thee behind me Satan, you are an idol of no faith.
- LUCIFER - Light bearer and morning star, you are a reminder to keep silent and not raise alarm.
- FORTUNE - Fortune favors the bold, which goes to show there is a difference between being bold and foolish.LVX-LiS
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The Dangers of Belief
Sitting around a study group session discussing an upcoming evocation and various roles that each of us initiates would undertake, one of our members piped in with, "Still looking for people to run equipment?" To which I replied, "Yes" and they, "Good, because I don't believe in this." I've seldom been split in my emotions of agreement and hurt like I was at that moment. Delighted that they didn't hold profane beliefs and hurt because maybe they thought that I did. I do not want to turn this into a diatribe or a "know-it-all" session, as a few of my better known colleagues are so apt in doing but, I do need to explain why belief is a dirty word and a blessing in the same breath.
To a student of the subjective and occult sciences, belief is a tool. Belief is a series of reasoning and thought brought about consciously, albeit emotionally. So, when understood, belief can be manufactured and used. A mentalist can manufacture a belief...(I've seen Youtube videos where Darren Brown converts atheists). So in this light, belief is a blessing to the occultist because the occultist understands that by using various systems and by invoking certain emotion on purpose they can manufacture and use belief. In other words, they trick themselves into making a belief, a reality.
To paraphrase a cliched quote, 'even if there are no Gods in the universe, the universe behaves as if there are'. So, if the mood struck me and I felt so inclined I might evoke the great spirit of the Italian sausage meatball using the various liturgies, mantras and prayers to the great God named The Flying Spaghetti Monster. What's more is that with the right frame of mind, setting and some skill I could evoke the Italian sausage meatball spirit into physical appearance for an entire group of people. Once done successfully, the occultist can then ask the serious questions like; was reality just bent by belief or is this a case of mass hysteria? Which leads us into the discussion that Belief is a dirty and profane word.
Once an occultist understands the fact that belief can be manufactured then, a revelation that it has been used like a crack whore on the mass populace of the profane occurs. If I can materialize the great spirit of the Italian meatball for a group of people then, the great spirit of the Italian meatball is, for them, a reality. The great meatball is other worldly and elusive, it is the living representation of substance in a dish full of chaos. Round, like the Earth, it holds a sacred geometry and therefore is a divine messenger of fullness. It is at this point in this ridiculous situation that I can implant ethics and platitudes such as; chicken is a forbidden food, the mixing of ranch with marinara is also forbidden and eating the main course is a cardinal sin in the eyes of the Flying Spaghetti monster. As preposterous as this scenario sounds, it is only ridiculous because humans cannot identify with a plate full of spaghetti like they can a bearded man in the sky, a sacrificed martyr or any number of the prophets from bygone eras.
Belief is a human construct. When belief is philosophical or theological and not based on inference, it can be a tool for study and use by the occultist but, the bane of the profane. You can find this tool being used in main stream religion, pagan religions, and systems such as the kabbalah, enochian and even Tarot.
Take what you need, Discard the rest
Reflecting on past failures and accomplishments in Hermetic Magic.
Hope you find some of these useful.
Hope you find some of these useful.
On Practice
- Magic is a personal experience. No other person will experience life the way you do nor, will they experience magic exactly from your perspective.
- Theugery and Thaumatergy, pick one.
- Grand ceremonies and complicated ritual are often unnecessary to achieve the results required.
- Perfect meditation is the goal of magic that should never be accomplished.
- Keep open flames off of unstable structures and make sure your working area is big enough to avoid tripping hazards.
- Obsessions, as written about by Mathers, will make you feel and seem mad. When you feel this way its important to realize that no one else is suffering your form of madness. Take a break.
- Obsession, as written about by Mathers, is a real issue and the only cure for this affliction seems to be either to take a long break from ritual or to make sure you verbally state an intent to every ritual.
- Verbally state an intent to every ritual.
- Most current popular authors on the occult are knowledgeable but, suck as human beings. Never take their suggestions at face value.
- Evil magic backfires....rather than tell you not to perform any evil magic I recommend that you try a hex or two and see if I'm not right.
- Try not to spend your entire paycheck on magical hardware. Often the best wand is the finger and the best robes are the work clothes.
- Learning the arcane symbols and alphabets is a process that is slowly perfected with study and use. Try not to get bored, overwhelmed or frustrated.
- Physical rituals are not always possible as much as we would like to perform them, meditating on physical rituals (i.e. performing them in altered state with your imagination) is just as effective as doing them physically as most physical rituals are at least 80% visualization techniques.
- Take breaks but, don't give up.
- When making a salt for an herbal spagyric tincture burn the left over herbs and then fry them in a pan over an open flame. You will get the white ash needed.
- Doing the LBRP, LBRH and middle pillar exercise daily will accomplish memorization and allow you to tinker with intents and visualizations until you find what works for you.
- When starting ritual magic on a consistent basis you may see hallucinations and feel certain ways that seem odd. This is a form of obsession, be sure to state your intent aloud before ritual if this is happening to you.
- Write down the results of your can come back and re-evaluate them later.
- Do not try to boss around entities you invoke or evoke that you identify as angels.
- Do "clean up" with banishings and the like after you have performed a ritual or ceremony which invokes energies and spirit. If you don't, I promise you'll be sorry.
- Synchronizations are about as useful as deja vu if you are not constantly trying to recognize them before they happen. Pay attention to your surroundings and you'll be able to predict events out of thin air. Impress your friends at parties.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
The following method is a suggestion on a way Tarot may be integrated into Golden Dawn styled "daily" or "minor" rituals. Although I am aware that many magicians have written about using the Tarot in their rituals, to my knowledge no one has written a piece on using the Tarot in the following fashion. My first goal in introducing this method is to develop a tool that will help the magician find meaning and intent in their daily rituals as opposed to said rituals becoming empty motions that are performed "just because". My second goal is to provide a way in which a beginning or accomplished magician can refresh the meaning and spirit behind the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. It should be said from the outset that this method is a suggestion and as always you should take what you can use...discard the rest.
1. Find and stand facing East and place the four Aces of the Minor Arcana before you in the following compass style order: Ace of Pentacles - North; Ace of Swords - East; Ace of Wands - South and Ace of Cups - West.
2. Attain altered or meditative state. If you are unfamiliar with how to accomplish this, you may try the following: breathe deeply through the nose and out of the mouth. Then relax, in succession, your entire body starting with your head down to your feet. Attain a feeling of "gratitude" as this emotion is the most effective in magnetizing your thoughts with your actions. Strive to keep your relaxed breathing and feeling of gratitude throughout the entire ritual.
a. Visualize yourself growing taller and taller.
b. You grow so tall as to have the Earth at your feet and the Sun at your heart.
c. Picture a soft ball sized glowing sphere of scintillating white light above your head.
d. With your Right index finger bring the ball of white light down and touch your forehead then proclaim aloud "AH-TOH" (Hebrew for "Thou Art")
e. Bring the ball of light down along with a stream of pure white light and touch your Solar Plexus while proclaiming "MAL-KUTH" (Hebrew for "the Kingdom").
f. Touch your right shoulder, visualize another ball of white light forming just off of the right shoulder and proclaim "VE-GEBURAH" (The Power).
g. Bring the ball of light, with a stream of white light following, across your chest to your left shoulder. Touch your left shoulder and proclaim "VE-GEDULA" (The Glory).
h. Take a second to enjoy the visualization of your enormous astral body within and encompassed by a galactic sized cross of white light whose arms, head and feet stretch infinitely in the four directions. Allow the Sun in your chest to grow bright Gold and encompass the whole of yourself.
i. Finally, bring your hands together in a praying position in front of your heart and proclaim, "LE-OLAM, AMEN" (Forever Amen).
a. The Sun rises in the East sometimes with a gentle breeze or lusty gusts. The East represents Air, Intellect, Healing, Confidence and Communication. Anyone who has heard the phrase, "The idea dawned on me." gets the notion. Air in the East is represented by the color Yellow for the dawning of the Sun. The Tarot represents this Eastern Quadrangle, Air and the East with the suit of Swords as knowledge can cause change that "Cuts" through the mundane.
The Ace of Swords represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Air and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Swords, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, Lies, Deceit, Procrastination, Disease, Distraction, Air Headedness and etc.
b. Still standing facing East, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Air by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (lies, deceit, procrastination, disease and etc.). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty yellow and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine word Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "YHVH" back to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty yellow cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram to the South, where you will trace the next Pentagram.
a. The Sun is at its strength in the South or at Midday, if you prefer. This is the time of day that is the hottest and most productive. The South represents Fire, Ambition, Creative Energy, Passion and Inspiration. Anyone who has heard the phrase, "The flames of passion." gets the notion. Fire in the South is represented by the color Red for the hot noon Sun. The Tarot represents this Southern Quadrangle, Fire and the South with the suit of Wands as passionate ambition can readily be represented as an eager and stimulated phallus.
The Ace of Wands represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Fire and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Wands, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Creative blocks, irritability, violent aggression, stale and stagnant relationships and etc.
b. Still standing facing South, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Fire by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (creative blocks, irritability, violent aggression, stale and stagnant relationships and etc). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty red and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
As a daily ritual the lesser ritual of the pentagram can provide a way to dispel negative energies and invoke or bring in fresh. The Tarot's Minor Arcana with its four suits representing the four elements can help us define exactly the type of energy we want to dispel or invoke. The following outline is almost exactly how I practice the lesser ritual and as there are many steps and visualizations my goal is not to give the reader a "Dogma" to follow with the ritual but, possibilities on enhancing their own ritual.THE TAROT ENHANCED LESSER BANISHING RITUAL OF THE PENTAGRAM
1. Find and stand facing East and place the four Aces of the Minor Arcana before you in the following compass style order: Ace of Pentacles - North; Ace of Swords - East; Ace of Wands - South and Ace of Cups - West.
2. Attain altered or meditative state. If you are unfamiliar with how to accomplish this, you may try the following: breathe deeply through the nose and out of the mouth. Then relax, in succession, your entire body starting with your head down to your feet. Attain a feeling of "gratitude" as this emotion is the most effective in magnetizing your thoughts with your actions. Strive to keep your relaxed breathing and feeling of gratitude throughout the entire ritual.
a. Visualize yourself growing taller and taller.
b. You grow so tall as to have the Earth at your feet and the Sun at your heart.
c. Picture a soft ball sized glowing sphere of scintillating white light above your head.
d. With your Right index finger bring the ball of white light down and touch your forehead then proclaim aloud "AH-TOH" (Hebrew for "Thou Art")
e. Bring the ball of light down along with a stream of pure white light and touch your Solar Plexus while proclaiming "MAL-KUTH" (Hebrew for "the Kingdom").
f. Touch your right shoulder, visualize another ball of white light forming just off of the right shoulder and proclaim "VE-GEBURAH" (The Power).
g. Bring the ball of light, with a stream of white light following, across your chest to your left shoulder. Touch your left shoulder and proclaim "VE-GEDULA" (The Glory).
h. Take a second to enjoy the visualization of your enormous astral body within and encompassed by a galactic sized cross of white light whose arms, head and feet stretch infinitely in the four directions. Allow the Sun in your chest to grow bright Gold and encompass the whole of yourself.
i. Finally, bring your hands together in a praying position in front of your heart and proclaim, "LE-OLAM, AMEN" (Forever Amen).
a. The Sun rises in the East sometimes with a gentle breeze or lusty gusts. The East represents Air, Intellect, Healing, Confidence and Communication. Anyone who has heard the phrase, "The idea dawned on me." gets the notion. Air in the East is represented by the color Yellow for the dawning of the Sun. The Tarot represents this Eastern Quadrangle, Air and the East with the suit of Swords as knowledge can cause change that "Cuts" through the mundane.
The Ace of Swords represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Air and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Swords, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, Lies, Deceit, Procrastination, Disease, Distraction, Air Headedness and etc.
b. Still standing facing East, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Air by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (lies, deceit, procrastination, disease and etc.). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty yellow and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine word Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "YHVH" back to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty yellow cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram to the South, where you will trace the next Pentagram.
a. The Sun is at its strength in the South or at Midday, if you prefer. This is the time of day that is the hottest and most productive. The South represents Fire, Ambition, Creative Energy, Passion and Inspiration. Anyone who has heard the phrase, "The flames of passion." gets the notion. Fire in the South is represented by the color Red for the hot noon Sun. The Tarot represents this Southern Quadrangle, Fire and the South with the suit of Wands as passionate ambition can readily be represented as an eager and stimulated phallus.
The Ace of Wands represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Fire and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Wands, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Creative blocks, irritability, violent aggression, stale and stagnant relationships and etc.
b. Still standing facing South, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Fire by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (creative blocks, irritability, violent aggression, stale and stagnant relationships and etc). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty red and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine word ADNI (AD-DOH-NIGH) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "" back "ADNI" to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name AD-DOH-NIGH and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty red cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram to the West, where you will trace the next Pentagram.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine word EHEH (EH-HE-EH) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "" back "EHEH" to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name EH-HE-EH and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty BLUE cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram to the NORTH, where you will trace the next Pentagram.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine acronym AGLA (Ah-Gah-La) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "" back "AGLA" to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name AH-GAH-LA and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty BLACK cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram back to the East, where you originally started.
The four archangels of the compass are higher entities that have been given a Holy title for the beneficial aspect of the Divine that they represent. We evoke and visualize their presences outside of our circle of pentagrams in gratitude for the specific gifts of life that they represent and we have received.
a. Before me, the great Archangel RAPHAEL. (The healing of God - Visualized as a great winged male angel clothed in Yellow with Purple trim.
b. Behind me, the great Archangel GABRIEL. (The strength of God - Visualized as a great winged female angel clothed in Blue with Orange trim.
c. On my right, the great Archangel MICHAEL. (He who is like God - Visualized as an armored, great winged male angel clothed in Red with Green trim.
d. On my left, the great Archangel AUREIL. (The lamp of God - Visualized as a great winged female clothed in black with white trim.
The final visualization should encompass the ring of Pentagrams with the Archangels just outside of them. Once the visualization has been obtained, the magician should state, "For about me flames the pentagrams and within the middle column, the six ray star." On the last of the phrase, "six ray star" the magician should endeavor to visualize a bright white hexagram within their chest that grows brighter intensity until the end of the meditation.
After this has been concluded, the magician should perform the Qabbalistic Cross as shown above.
a. The Sun is setting in the West or at twilight, if you prefer. This is the time of day that is the most "reflective". The West represents Water, Emotional Happiness, Joy, Love, Friendship, Insight, and etc. Water in the West is represented by the color Blue for the cool onset of evening. The Tarot represents this Western Quadrangle, Water and the West with the suit of Cups as a gift of higher emotional love and friendship.
The Ace of Cups represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Water and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Cups, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Emotional immaturity, loss, delusion, upsetting or false relationships and friendships and etc.
b. Still standing facing West, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Water by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (Emotional immaturity, loss, delusion, upsetting or false relationships and friendships and etc). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty blue and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
The Ace of Cups represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Water and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Cups, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Emotional immaturity, loss, delusion, upsetting or false relationships and friendships and etc.
b. Still standing facing West, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Water by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (Emotional immaturity, loss, delusion, upsetting or false relationships and friendships and etc). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty blue and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine word EHEH (EH-HE-EH) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "" back "EHEH" to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name EH-HE-EH and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty BLUE cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram to the NORTH, where you will trace the next Pentagram.
a. The Sun is off doing its work in another place while in the North or at midnight, if you prefer. This is the time of day that is the most "dark, cool and dry". The North represents Earth, Stability, Foundation, Fiscal responsibility, the home and family and etc. Earth in the North is represented by the color Black for the darkness. The Tarot represents this Northern Quadrangle, Earth and the North with the suit of Pentacles as a gift of Physical Stability.
The Ace of Pentacles represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Earth and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Pentacles, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Laziness, Greed, Financial ruin, unstable home, loss and etc.
b. Still standing facing North, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Earth by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (Laziness, Greed, Financial ruin, unstable home, loss and etc.). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty black and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
The Ace of Pentacles represents the very spirit (underlying reality) of the element of Earth and all of its metaphors; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reversed, the Ace of Pentacles, represents the negative polarity of the element. Some examples of metaphors ascribing to this polarity would be; Laziness, Greed, Financial ruin, unstable home, loss and etc.
b. Still standing facing North, raise your arms to form your body in the shape of a cross. Contemplate the negative polarity of the element of Earth by thinking of recent events or actions of others and yourself that embody that polarity (Laziness, Greed, Financial ruin, unstable home, loss and etc.). Visualize this polarity as a dull and dirty black and move it out of your body into the air surrounding you. As like attracts like, you can visualize this negatively charged element attracting the same out of the immediate environment and growing into a cloud within the area.
a. Trace an Earth banishing Pentagram before you, starting at the level of the left hip going to just above the forehead, then the right hip, the left shoulder, the right shoulder and back down to the left hip. Visualize this Pentagram as alight in blue flame.
b. Visualize the Divine acronym AGLA (Ah-Gah-La) above your head and on your next inhale bring the word from above your head, through your body down below your feet. Hold your inhale and bring "" back "AGLA" to the level of your heart. On exhale; give the sign of projection (step forward with your left foot and thrust your arms in front of you), visualize red streams of light projecting from your hands through the pentagram, "Vibrate" the divine name AH-GAH-LA and imagine that your mouth projects white light as you vibrate this Holy name.
c. As you project your lights, visualize that dirty BLACK cloud that surrounds you being sucked out, as if you were in a plane and someone opened the emergency escape door.
d. Give the "Sign of Silence" which means; stamp your left foot back into place and bring your left index finger to your lips in a "hush" gesture. Visualize the pentagram sealing off and a purplish smoke rising and whirling around you from the feet up.
e. Finally trace a red stream of energy from the middle of your visualized blue pentagram back to the East, where you originally started.
The four archangels of the compass are higher entities that have been given a Holy title for the beneficial aspect of the Divine that they represent. We evoke and visualize their presences outside of our circle of pentagrams in gratitude for the specific gifts of life that they represent and we have received.
a. Before me, the great Archangel RAPHAEL. (The healing of God - Visualized as a great winged male angel clothed in Yellow with Purple trim.
b. Behind me, the great Archangel GABRIEL. (The strength of God - Visualized as a great winged female angel clothed in Blue with Orange trim.
c. On my right, the great Archangel MICHAEL. (He who is like God - Visualized as an armored, great winged male angel clothed in Red with Green trim.
d. On my left, the great Archangel AUREIL. (The lamp of God - Visualized as a great winged female clothed in black with white trim.
The final visualization should encompass the ring of Pentagrams with the Archangels just outside of them. Once the visualization has been obtained, the magician should state, "For about me flames the pentagrams and within the middle column, the six ray star." On the last of the phrase, "six ray star" the magician should endeavor to visualize a bright white hexagram within their chest that grows brighter intensity until the end of the meditation.
After this has been concluded, the magician should perform the Qabbalistic Cross as shown above.
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